Is a Mini Mal a Funboard?

Is a Mini Mal a Funboard?

Is a Mini Mal a Funboard? The distinction between surfboard types often baffles newcomers to the sport, and one common source of confusion is the classification of a Mini Mal as a Funboard. Surfing enthusiasts are well aware of the subtle nuances that differentiate these boards, but for the uninitiated, understanding their differences can be like deciphering a foreign language.

In the realm of surfing, where the right board can make or break a wave-riding experience, recognizing the characteristics that define a Mini Mal and a Funboard is paramount. Both of these boards have their unique features and are designed to cater to specific surfing styles and skill levels. In this exploration, we delve into the intricacies of Mini Mals and Funboards, unveiling the essence of what makes them distinct and examining whether a Mini Mal can truly be deemed a Funboard in the thrilling world of surfing.

Is a Mini Mal a Funboard? Unraveling the Surfing Experience

Yes, a Mini Mal (short for Mini Malibu) is a type of surfboard that is often categorized as a Funboard. Funboards are a versatile category of surfboards designed to provide stability and ease of use, making them suitable for beginners and experienced surfers alike. They are typically longer and wider than shortboards, which are the standard high-performance surfboards. You may be interested in this also: What Size Is a Mini Mal?

A Mini Mal is a specific type of Funboard that combines the features of a longboard and a shortboard. It is shorter than a traditional longboard but longer than a shortboard, usually ranging from 7 to 8 feet in length. Mini Mals are wider and thicker than shortboards, providing stability and making them easier to paddle and catch waves, especially for beginners.

Mini Mal vs Funboard: Decoding the Surfing Thrill

The terms “Mini Mal” and “Funboard” are often used interchangeably, but there are subtle differences between the two that can impact the surfing experience. Let’s break down these differences to decode the surfing thrill associated with each type of board:

Mini Mal (Mini Malibu):

  • Size: Mini Mals are typically shorter than traditional longboards, ranging from 7 to 8 feet in length. They are wider and thicker than shortboards, providing stability in the water.
  • Stability: Mini Mals offer excellent stability, making them ideal for beginners. The width and thickness of the board make it easier for novice surfers to balance and catch waves.
  • Maneuverability: While Mini Mals are more stable than shortboards, they are still more maneuverable than traditional longboards. Surfers can perform basic maneuvers and turns, allowing for progression in skills.
  • Wave Catching: Mini Mals are excellent at catching small to medium-sized waves. They paddle well and are forgiving, making them suitable for surfers who are still learning to read waves and position themselves correctly.


  • Versatility: Funboards are a broad category of surfboards that aim to combine the stability of longboards with the maneuverability of shortboards. They come in various shapes and sizes, including Mini Mals, hybrid boards, and retro fish designs.
  • Size: Funboards can vary in size, ranging from 6 to 8 feet or even slightly longer. The size often determines the board’s stability and performance characteristics.
  • Stability: Like Mini Mals, Funboards provide good stability, making them suitable for beginners and intermediate surfers. They are easier to balance on than shortboards, allowing surfers to enjoy a stable ride while still having room for progression.
  • Maneuverability: Funboards offer a balance between stability and maneuverability. While they may not be as agile as high-performance shortboards, they allow surfers to perform a variety of turns and maneuvers, making the surfing experience enjoyable and dynamic.

Choosing Between Mini Mal and Funboard: Which Delivers More Fun?

The choice between a Mini Mal and a Funboard ultimately depends on your surfing goals, experience level, and the type of waves you’ll be riding. Both types of boards can offer a lot of fun, but the definition of “fun” can vary from person to person. Let’s break down the factors to consider when choosing between a Mini Mal and a Funboard to help you decide which one might deliver more fun for you:

Mini Mal (Mini Malibu):

  • Stability: Mini Mals are incredibly stable due to their width and thickness. If you’re a beginner or someone who values a stable platform, a Mini Mal can be a lot of fun. It’s easier to balance on, making it ideal for learning to surf and catching smaller waves.
  • Ease of Use: Mini Mals are forgiving and easy to paddle, making them great for beginners. If you’re new to surfing, the Mini Mal provides a gentler learning curve, allowing you to enjoy the experience without struggling too much with balance and paddling.
  • Maneuverability: While not as maneuverable as shortboards, Mini Mals still allow for basic maneuvers and turns. If you’re looking to progress beyond the beginner stage and practice some fundamental surfing skills, a Mini Mal can be a lot of fun.

Funboard (Various Designs):

  • Versatility: Funboards come in various shapes and sizes, including Mini Mals, hybrid boards, and retro fish designs. This variety means you can choose a Funboard that matches your skill level and the type of waves you want to surf. If you want a more versatile option that can handle a wider range of conditions, a Funboard might be the way to go.
  • Maneuverability: Funboards offer a balance between stability and maneuverability. While not as stable as Mini Mals, they are more maneuverable, allowing you to perform a wider range of turns and tricks. If you’re an intermediate surfer looking to improve your skills and have fun experimenting with different maneuvers, a Funboard can deliver an exciting experience.


  • Skill Level: Beginners often find Mini Mals more enjoyable due to their stability. If you’re new to surfing, a Mini Mal might offer a more enjoyable learning experience.
  • Wave Conditions: Funboards, including Mini Mals, can handle a variety of wave conditions. If you surf in different locations with varying wave sizes, a Funboard might provide more fun as it can adapt to different waves.
  • Progression: If you’re looking to progress your skills and are willing to put in the effort to improve, a Funboard might be more rewarding. It allows for more maneuverability, enabling you to challenge yourself and learn new techniques.

Funboard or Mini Mal: Exploring the Excitement in Surfboard Choices

Choosing between a Funboard and a Mini Mal (Mini Malibu) is all about exploring the excitement in your surfing experience. Both types of boards offer unique advantages and can provide thrilling moments in the water. Let’s delve deeper into the excitement each choice can bring:


  • Versatility: Funboards are incredibly versatile, coming in various shapes and sizes. Whether it’s a hybrid design, retro fish, or a slightly larger shortboard, Funboards adapt well to different wave conditions. This adaptability can be highly exciting as it allows you to surf in various locations and wave types.
  • Maneuverability: Funboards strike a balance between stability and maneuverability. They are more responsive than Mini Mals, enabling you to perform a wide range of turns, tricks, and maneuvers. The ability to carve through waves and experiment with different techniques can be exhilarating, especially for intermediate surfers looking to progress their skills.
  • Progression: Funboards provide room for growth. As you advance in your surfing abilities, a Funboard can challenge you to improve your maneuvers and take on more challenging waves. This aspect of continuous progression can be highly exciting for surfers seeking to enhance their skills over time.

Mini Mal (Mini Malibu):

  • Stability: Mini Mals are renowned for their stability. If you’re a beginner or someone who values a stable platform, the confidence of standing on a Mini Mal and catching waves easily can be incredibly exciting. The feeling of mastering the basics and riding waves without constant struggles can boost your enjoyment.
  • Accessibility: Mini Mals are accessible to surfers of various skill levels. If you’re introducing someone to surfing, be it a friend, family member, or yourself, the ease with which Mini Mals can be paddled and maneuvered can create an exciting and positive first experience in the water.
  • Reliability: Mini Mals are reliable in smaller, mushier waves, which might not be as enjoyable on a shortboard. Their ability to catch even the smallest ripples and turn them into fun rides can be surprisingly exciting, especially when other surfers might be struggling to catch waves.

Mini Mal Surfboards: Are They the Ultimate Funboards? A Comparative Analysis

Choosing between a Funboard and a Mini Mal (Mini Malibu) is all about exploring the excitement in your surfing experience. Both types of boards offer unique advantages and can provide thrilling moments in the water. Let’s delve deeper into the excitement each choice can bring:


  • Versatility: Funboards are incredibly versatile, coming in various shapes and sizes. Whether it’s a hybrid design, retro fish, or a slightly larger shortboard, Funboards adapt well to different wave conditions. This adaptability can be highly exciting as it allows you to surf in various locations and wave types.
  • Maneuverability: Funboards strike a balance between stability and maneuverability. They are more responsive than Mini Mals, enabling you to perform a wide range of turns, tricks, and maneuvers. The ability to carve through waves and experiment with different techniques can be exhilarating, especially for intermediate surfers looking to progress their skills.
  • Progression: Funboards provide room for growth. As you advance in your surfing abilities, a Funboard can challenge you to improve your maneuvers and take on more challenging waves. This aspect of continuous progression can be highly exciting for surfers seeking to enhance their skills over time.

Mini Mal (Mini Malibu):

  • Stability: Mini Mals are renowned for their stability. If you’re a beginner or someone who values a stable platform, the confidence of standing on a Mini Mal and catching waves easily can be incredibly exciting. The feeling of mastering the basics and riding waves without constant struggles can boost your enjoyment.
  • Accessibility: Mini Mals are accessible to surfers of various skill levels. If you’re introducing someone to surfing, be it a friend, family member, or yourself, the ease with which Mini Mals can be paddled and maneuvered can create an exciting and positive first experience in the water.
  • Reliability: Mini Mals are reliable in smaller, mushier waves, which might not be as enjoyable on a shortboard. Their ability to catch even the smallest ripples and turn them into fun rides can be surprisingly exciting, especially when other surfers might be struggling to catch waves.


Is a funboard the same as a mini mal?

Yes, a Mini Mal is a type of funboard.

What is considered a funboard?

Funboards are versatile surfboards, including Mini Mals, designed for stability and maneuverability, suitable for surfers of various skill levels.

Can a beginner ride a mini mal?

Yes, Mini Mals are excellent for beginners due to their stability and ease of use.

What are those mini surfboards called?

They are called Mini Mals or Mini Malibus.


In conclusion, the distinction between a Mini Mal (Mini Malibu) and a Funboard lies in their specific design features and intended use. While Mini Mals are a type of Funboard, they are characterized by their stability, making them an excellent choice for beginners and surfers looking for an easy, forgiving ride. Their wider and thicker build allows for a gentle learning curve and comfortable wave-catching, making them ideal for smaller waves.

On the other hand, the broader category of Funboards encompasses various designs, including Mini Mals, offering surfers a versatile range of options. Funboards, in general, strike a balance between stability and maneuverability, catering to a broader audience of surfers with different skill levels and preferences. Ultimately, whether you choose a Mini Mal or another type of Funboard, the decision depends on your individual surfing goals, experience, and the specific thrills you seek in the waves.